Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Not a good blogger...

So, I've decided I'm a horrible blogger.  I LOVE reading other blogs, but writing in my own... I'd rather not.  I just don't think I'm that interesting.  Well, sometimes I am, but not right now.  So, I'm going to blog right now, and hopefully one person will read, but really, I'm trying to get the creative juices flowing.

Moving on!

I have to thank my friend Rachel for introducing me to The Pioneer Woman.... (heavy sigh and fluttering heart)... what a wonderful piece of deliciousness wrapped into an all too fantastic reality.  Check it out www.thepioneerwoman.com.  I am obsessed, and I love her story so.  I agree with you Rae... a new pair of chaps for the man of the house might be in need!  rraarrrr....

Anyhow, as life continues not on a ranch or in chaps, I still wake up every morning, and LOVE MY LIFE.  I love my life.  I'm sorry if that makes you gag, but I can't lie - my life is pretty dag-nab-stinkin' fabulous.  I'm married to a hard working, "cutie-patootie-scruffy-tatooey" (actual description of my hubby from the dearest Kelley Weatherford) guy who makes my heart pitter patter every day.  I love that he comes home and smells of things like sawdust and wood stain... hard working, sweaty and tired enough to pass out right when he pulls in the driveway, but manages to muster up a second wind, help me with dinner and the dishes AND chat with me (bless his heart, thank goodness he has a silent 45 minute drive home from work each day).  We also have three... yes THREE crazy dogs.  Well really, just one is crazy, but the other two add their own spunk.  Between them, there's never a dull moment.

I had my second doctor appointment the other day and apparently, things are still good!  (A heartbeat is good).  Our next appointment is January 19th and that's when we'll find out what the little critter is!  WAHOO!  Stay tuned.  I feel good and I feel like I'm something similar to the size of a baby whale, but overall GOOD. 


1 comment:

  1. You are WELCOME!

    Isn't it fabuloso?!

    And can I say that it totally warms my heart (sigh, i sound like my mother) to hear of the love you have for your life. I mean it, really. There is nothing better than tingle to your toes real happiness. YOU DESERVE IT.


    keep me posted on the little weenie (or lack thereof...haha).
    i think the baby is a....
    i'm rather torn...


    Oh good! I can already offer two little girlfriends to hang with!
