Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Oh The Places I Go...

So, I'm on the road (again), and it's been a comical trip.  I love seeing all these new places.  Let me tell you though... for all of you who think traveling is all glamor and eating fabulous food - LISTEN UP... it is not.  It's an adventure and it's not friendly to your derriere.

I love the little towns, I love the big cities.  I love the quirky business names we pass by on the road.  Today, my favorite was "Critter Fixers" it was a veterinarian.  I died laughing.  I love finding the quirks of each state, city or podunk town.   No matter what, it's fun, it's enlightening and it's fascinating to see how others live their lives.  It's fun to know that "everyday stuff" is different everywhere you go. 

This trip, I've discovered that Subway is the official food for South Carolina and Georgia.  I swear, there is a Subway as frequent in SC & GA as there is a Starbucks in Seattle, WA.  I've found that no matter where you are, the expense of dinner, or lack there of, can and will surprise you.  Holiday Inn is awesome, they've really stepped up their game and their pillow are fantastical.  (Have you figured out yet that it's not all glamor?  I mean really, I just told you Holiday Inn pillows were fantastical.)  Doors to the outside are frightening... just refer to my post from two weeks ago.  (I am in another place tonight where my door is to the outside - I don't like it.)

Overall, I've learned to roll with the punches, embrace life, culture and "now" for what it is - a wonderful trip through life.  I'm blessed to be able to do so much, see so much and experience so much.  In the last year alone, I have been to at least 17 states and COUNTLESS cities and towns.  How cool is that?  How many people do you know that have been to Pharr, TX or Forest, MS?  I HAVE!   Oh, I've also been to Myrtle Beach!  Yep.

Here's a taste of what I've done this week:
but wait..here's the real feel


And then there was tonight.  Our choice was what you see below, KFC or an extremely sketchy Chinese take-out place (I think we chose wisely)

Oh, and there were no tables, it was strictly take out.... so, here's where we ate
Isn't that glamorous?

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