Monday, September 13, 2010


As the weather starts to change, and the leaves start to turn their magnificent colors of gold, red and orange.... I have realized that one thing never changes.  LOVE.

You see, my brother is getting married next weekend, and in the hustle bustle of getting everything and everyone ready, I can't help but marvel in the LOVE.  The love my brother and his marvelous bride have for each other.  The love we all have for them.  The love the bride has for her dress.  The love my brother has for his specially made, personalized shoes.  The love they have for their families.  The love we all have for the cake (I'm so excited for the cake I can't stand it!).

Love in all of its magnificent ways... is always constant.  It may morph into different forms, like my love for oranges during my pregnancy, or my love of a squishy little baby neck, but it always... always is there.

Here are some of my loves (no particular order):
my family (ALL OF THEM!)
my husband
my precious little baby boy
snuggly blankets
Holiday Inn pillows (I've mentioned it before, and you may think I'm nuts, but I'm so RIGHT!)
diesel parts (if you know me, you know why)
Florence, Italy (part of my heart is there)
sunrise (I've seen many of those lately)
baby breath
baby giggles
my husbands scruffy face
my doggies
the thought of not being so flappy, floppy, and flabby all over
my cowboy boot slippers
a nice tan
a martini
olives from a martini
my husband holding our baby
pictures from Bliss Studio
a good laugh with an old friend
Italian food.. REAL Italian food

a phone call from a friend you haven't talked to in faaaaaar toooo looooong
a good joke (I will forever love a good corny joke)
hot chocolate

OK, OK - I'll stop.  I could go on and on... ahhhh.... LOVE.

I wish you all much LOVE and happiness.  Never forget to tell someone how much you love them every time you see them.  Now go give someone a big HUG.


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