Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The statment of the YEAR!

I had a baby shower* to attend this weekend, among ninety other things.  However, going into the weekend, I had this baby shower flipped with another baby shower I have later in the month.  Needless to say, I was prepared.... for the OTHER shower!  Seems to be the story of my life.

So, on Saturday, I went into a tizzy wondering what the heck I was going to do about a gift.  There had been mass confusion all around about the gift and I definitely did not help the situation by completely confusing the two showers.  Needless to say, I knew Sunday, the day of the shower, was going to be a circus, three ring circus nonetheless.  To ward off as much stress as possible, I called around to the local boutiques to see who was open on SUNDAY.  About four phone calls in... JACKPOT!  There was actually a boutique open on a Sunday!  WAHOO!  "This is going to be easy-cheesy", I thought to myself.  I will keep the boutique nameless to save them from any ill mannered folk who read this (I know there's only 2 of you, but still).

Sunday morning, my alarm clock... ha ha... I mean child went off.  I'm up!  I'm up!  Let's tackle this day!  We zipped through our morning and we were out the door promptly at 9:50am so we could get to the specified boutique by 10am when they supposedly opened.  YAY!!!  "We're the first people here" I told my little baby sidekick.  "OH.  Wait. We're the ONLY people here".  Hmmm.... let's look at the hours.... on... the... door......

M-Th: 10-6
Fri-Sat: 10-5

Key words missing from the door... SUNDAY 10-5

PISS IT!  "You've gotta be kidding", I exclaimed and slammed my head onto the steering wheel.  UGH!  My plan had been foiled!   Their ever so fantastical voice mail said they were open on SUNDAY and they ARE NOT!!!  NOT NOT NOT!  Grrrr!

Onto Plan B.  Wait... there was no Plan B.  Um, ok... call Jenn.  OK, now call Jess.  PLAN B established!  Put vehicle in drive and start heading toward the location of Plan B, hope sidekick doesn't get hungry in the meantime.  Arrive at Plan B... Plan B doesn't open until 11am... key information... shower starts at 11:30am.  OK, call Jess back and establish Plan C.  Re-route vehicle and go to GOOD 'OL TARGET!!!!

TARGET HERE WE COME!  Pull into Target, feed my sidekick in the backseat (don't judge me) and watch the time tick away. Tick-toc. TICK-TOC.  So, I unload my sidekick after his gourmet meal and we zip in.  Me, him, the stroller, and my feet that were BURNING in pain because I decided to wear brand new 4" heels during our Sunday adventure.

Zipping, dashing and dodging in and out of the isles...we were like a tornado.  Anyhow, we found the CUTEST baby girl stuff.  People, I'm talking CUTE baby girl stuff.  We may have thrown in a thing or two for my sidekick as well, but who's keeping track.  He had worked hard up until then and needed a little "somethin' somethin'" for his patience.

We race & hobble like mad people up to the checkout and of course... NINE people, and only two checkout lines open!  ARGH!  This can't be happening.  Then... an angel appeared and said "I can help someone over here in checkout #9".  I shouted out, "oh oh... pick me!" and continued my frantic zippiness on over to lucky #9.

It was there that the whole story unraveled... and I looked at my clock to see that it was 11:20am and I was in dyer need of some extra time, deodorant and a foot rub.  Most importantly, some extra time. Then, this woman behind me commented on my cute sidekick.  "Thanks" I said.  She then asked "how old is he", and I replied "11 weeks".  She replied....

Wait for it...

Wait for it......

"WOW, you've really got it together"

*Baby shower was amazing, gifts were a hit.  Me and my sidekick had a great time.

Monday, September 13, 2010


As the weather starts to change, and the leaves start to turn their magnificent colors of gold, red and orange.... I have realized that one thing never changes.  LOVE.

You see, my brother is getting married next weekend, and in the hustle bustle of getting everything and everyone ready, I can't help but marvel in the LOVE.  The love my brother and his marvelous bride have for each other.  The love we all have for them.  The love the bride has for her dress.  The love my brother has for his specially made, personalized shoes.  The love they have for their families.  The love we all have for the cake (I'm so excited for the cake I can't stand it!).

Love in all of its magnificent ways... is always constant.  It may morph into different forms, like my love for oranges during my pregnancy, or my love of a squishy little baby neck, but it always... always is there.

Here are some of my loves (no particular order):
my family (ALL OF THEM!)
my husband
my precious little baby boy
snuggly blankets
Holiday Inn pillows (I've mentioned it before, and you may think I'm nuts, but I'm so RIGHT!)
diesel parts (if you know me, you know why)
Florence, Italy (part of my heart is there)
sunrise (I've seen many of those lately)
baby breath
baby giggles
my husbands scruffy face
my doggies
the thought of not being so flappy, floppy, and flabby all over
my cowboy boot slippers
a nice tan
a martini
olives from a martini
my husband holding our baby
pictures from Bliss Studio
a good laugh with an old friend
Italian food.. REAL Italian food

a phone call from a friend you haven't talked to in faaaaaar toooo looooong
a good joke (I will forever love a good corny joke)
hot chocolate

OK, OK - I'll stop.  I could go on and on... ahhhh.... LOVE.

I wish you all much LOVE and happiness.  Never forget to tell someone how much you love them every time you see them.  Now go give someone a big HUG.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Have you ever?

****Disclaimer:  No babies were actually harmed or lost... ever.

Have you ever.... talked in your sleep?  Walked in your sleep?  Laughed in your sleep? Carried on a conversation in your sleep?  Completely gone into a frantic fit and thought you lost your child in your bed, got on your hands and knees feeling and patting down every square inch of your bed, stripping yourself and your husband of all sheets and blankets, thrown your husbands legs across the bed and rolled him over and RIPPED away his pillows because he’s “suffocating the baby!”....  (insert heavy, gasping, panicked breaths)?

Well... I have!  It’s happened THREE ... yes THREE times now!  It’s awful!  I can laugh now, but when it happens, it’s absolutely awful.  I’m actually cracking up right now as I write this, because if there were a video camera in our room, it would be the FUNNIEST thing to watch.. I’m convinced. 

The worst part about the whole thing, is that the precious little munchkin doesn’t even sleep in our room, let alone our bed, so there’s no logical reason for me to ever think he’s in bed with us, let alone lost in our bed.

It all starts when I’m sleeping... soundly soundly sleeping.  ZZZZ  zzzz  ZZZZ... a peaceful slumber that I CHERISH with all my heart.  Dreaming of sweet things like, sleeping. 


I sit up. 

I start feeling around and wildly patting every inch of bed that I can reach, “where’s the baby... where’s the baby”? 

No baby.... AHHH! 

So I fly onto my hands and knees and start the wild search, throwing sheets, pillows, comforters... my husband... you name it...if it’s in the way of me and my baby... it’s OUTTA HERE!  I’m like the Tasmanian Devil zipping through a few square feet of bedding uncontrollably. 

Still... no baby...

So what’s the next logical thing to do when you’re completely hallucinating in your sleep? 

Get up OUT OF BED, frantically walk the perimeter of the bed and feel around with every appendage, continuously repeating “oh... oh... where are you, buddy... where are you?”. 

Then, once I arrive at the other side of the bed, I again move poor Josh and RIP the pillows out from under him - BECAUSE he MIGHT be squishing the baby! 
A few moments later... after trying to ignore this wild fit of hysteria, Josh wakes up and says “WHAT are you doing?”. 

I stop.
Take a breath. 

Wake up a little...

“I’m dreaming and I can’t stop”. 

Then, I wake up (really wake up) and hear the noise of the baby monitor and know that my sweet precious baby angel is sleeping soundly in his room, in his crib, and best of all... he’s not in our bed and he’s not lost.

And then I return to my peaceful slumber.  That is, after I get my heart rate back down to a normal speed, and not that of a race horse.

Sweet dreams :)