Saturday, June 26, 2010

The LOVE of our LIVES has arrived...

Hello World!  On Monday, June 21st at 5:12am we welcomed the LOVE of our LIVES into this world!  He is absolutely perfect, precious and more than we EVER could have dreamed of. 

To make things even better... our friend Whitney (who is also the world's most amazing photographer) came and took pics of the whole thing just about 4 hours after he was born!  How amazing!  We have the beginning of life as we know it captured... perfection.

We have loved every minute with our new little bundle... he's just the best.  People say you can't explain it... the INSTANT LOVE you feel... and I must say, words aren't enough... it shouldn't even be allowed to be explained, that's why it's a feeling - the most wonderful, overwhelming feeling.

If you want to see more pics, go to Whitney's blog at

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Niece

Josh and I are blessed with a new little niece.... she's furry and has some really sharp teeth, but MAN O MAN is she cute!!!  We babysat for a few hours yesterday and for a 10 week old, she sure did keep us all on our toes.  By "all", I mean myself, Josh and our 3 dogs....

It was my goal to wipe out out little Bella and have her be completely pooped by the time her mommy came to get her.  I think I accomplished my goal....  here's a recap of the evening.

 First of all... Bella is a toy whore.  She went around and gathered (stole) all the toys (no matter if they were hers or not) and then kept them in her "area".  Note: not all toys are visible as she is laying on a few them as well.

 After our walk, Bella was pooped and instead of napping somewhere convenient, she decided to lay in the middle of wherever I was... in this case, the kitchen, right below where I was prepping for dinner.

 Our "real" nieces and nephew came over to play with Bella as well, and this did her in!  She was so passed out that Josh got down on the floor, and put his nose to hers.... she didn't budge.  
Night Night Bella!!

I am proud to say we survived and I believe Bella's mama may have actually gotten some sleep last night too!  I'm so glad that babies don't come out as mobile as puppies or we'd be in a world of hurt!! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

Who knew studying could be so good looking....

So as we're on the final countdown to the arrival of the little guy (he's due tomorrow), my fabulous husband is in the midst of another huge transition in his life.  He's studying for yet another test because he's getting into solar.  Don't ask the details... just know that he's stoked and I'm thrilled for him. 

Anyhow... he's been studying the past week and this weekend was his "big" study time.  He ventured back and forth from the couch, to the table, and in the afternoon he meandered out to the backyard.  After gazing at him for a moment or ten, I tiptoed over to the window and snapped this photo with my phone (because the camera is packed in the hospital bag) and I thought it was just delicious.  I never knew studying could be so yummy...

Do you have the urge to go study now?  I do... well, not really, I have the urge to watch that lovely hunk of man study and I would like to give birth... but neither one of those things is happening right now - grrr.