Monday, August 9, 2010

7th Heaven

Today the little man is officially 7 weeks old.  Seven heavenly weeks old.  I think it's absolutely mind boggling that we've only had him for 7 weeks.... what on earth did I do before him?  I honestly can't remember life before him.

I know I'm WAYYYYYY behind on posts, so for now, I'm just going to throw a hodge-podge of pics at you.  This whole thing might not make much sense, but I've gotta post SOMETHING!

Every morning, I wake up to this darling little face!  AHH!  Eat him up!  (Note: he was about 3 weeks old in this photo)

We've had quite the eventful 7 weeks.  We've had a lot of "firsts" - they are so much fun!  We just got back from Dallas (that will be a whole post on its own),  and now we're trying to get back into the swing of life....

Speaking of "Swing"... he loves his swing.  He was about 4 weeks in this photo.

If you cant' tell, his hair STICKS STRAIGHT UP!  Because it has a mind of its own, we often put it in a mohawk because if it's gonna stick up, he might as well look stylish.  Well, my mom one day asked me "why don't you comb his hair like a little boy"?  I replied, because no matter what we do, it'll start lying down when it's wet, then PING, straight up once it dries.  So... here's a pic of him with "little boy hair", all combed over to the side right after we got him out of the bath.  (Note: 20 minutes later it looked like the photo above).

About 5 1/2 weeks old.

Here's a picture of the little man stretching and smiling away in our hotel last week... he's such a HAPPY BOY!  6 weeks old.

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