Monday, March 22, 2010

What a difference 4 weeks makes...


Sorry it's late, I was trying to have one up every 3 weeks, but it just didn't happen.  Thinking about it, I made Josh snag this one real quick yesterday on our way to breakfast with family.  Sorry, my head was cut off again... what can I say, the man follows directions - "Love, please take a belly pic real quick".  Viola!  Belly pic is what you get!  This one is a little more head on than the last.  The last one he took standing up.  This one, he knelt down and was right level with the buddha...

It's a good thing I had him take it before breakfast!  Peg's Glorified Ham n' Eggs.... you are a marvelous place.  You filled my belly with deliciousness, but I am still sad I didn't order the French Toast. 

Friday, March 19, 2010

A Dog and his Outdoors

For most of you, you either have pets or you don't.  You either like cats or dogs.  And when it comes to dogs, you either like big dogs or small dogs.  In many cases, people think the only "Real" dogs are big dogs.  Too often the "little" dogs are seen as ankle biters, yippers, rats and lap dogs.  For those of you who feel that way, you have not met Tucker.

Tucker is my almost 5 year old Yorkshire Terrier.  He is the son of Oliver, my other Yorkshire Terrier.  They are most often referred to as "the boys".  Roxy, the lone female, German Shepard/Black Lab mix is their sister (through marriage - bless her heart).  As you can probably figure out... Roxy was Josh's dog prior to us meeting, and the two little guys were mine.  Now, I'd like to think they're all "ours", but let's face it, there are days when it is harder than usual for Josh to swallow that he has two "little dogs", rather than two more "real" dogs to go along with Roxy.

Although "the boys" do love Josh dearly, and I'm convinced he loves them as well, there are times when I wonder if they're "all there" in the head.  Tucker is truly an odd little dude.  I'm pretty sure he has no clue how big he is.  I'm pretty sure he has no clue he's NOT a hunting dog.  I'm pretty sure he has no clue that he's not meant to live in the wilderness.  These things, I am sure of. 

In my last post, you saw Tucker basking in the sun out on the patio.  Well, if Tucker could live outside, he would.  Unfortunately, when you're only about 7 lbs and you have hair, not fur, it's not in your best interest to LIVE outside.  Therefore, we must make him live inside and in turn, we suffer by constantly letting him out... it's a fun circus we've got going.  He is an anomaly of a little dog.  I believe he belongs in the wilderness.  Maybe he could be the new side kick on the show "Man vs. Wild" with Bear Grylls.... I think Bear could learn a thing or two from Tuck. 

To let you in on how deep his  love for the outdoors is... please glance below.  We were B-B-Qing and had the slider open to the back yard (ignore the snow shovel, it parks there for the whole winter and hasn't been moved yet).  Tucker, in his funny little way, perched himself out on the patio for a while, then as the sun started going down, he hopped up a level to get a better view(just barely inside), as to watch the majestic sunset take place in "his" backyard.  I'm pretty sure that if we crept into his mind, he was having thoughts like a lion "my kingdom is beautiful, and I will hunt just after the darkness".

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The beginning...

Project "nursery" has begun!  We picked out paint, the bedding is in and we know the color of furniture!  Whew.  The little man is going to be SET!

The best thing of all is that Josh LOVES projects.  The man must have a project or he goes nutty.  This works out PERFECT because we've got lots and lots of projects ahead!

I'll keep you posted on the happenings as they keep happening.

Paint sample.... Don't worry, we toned it down :)

Josh's little helpers... they were very curious.  Roxy (the "big dog") could have cared less.

And then this was what I found one of the helpers doing later in the day... such loyalty.  Don't mind the photo through the window & screen.  I had to take it that way or his rest would have been disturbed.  Never interrupt the rest of a hard working dog.

Thanks to Josh & Kalai for painting!!! 

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Too much!

So I'm trying to focus and really decide what we do/don't need for the arrival of the little man.  After sorting through oodles and oodles of crap, I have decided that the whole baby industry is.... well overwhelming and filled with way to much CRAP!

I can't tell you how mind blowing it is to have 4,952 different types of strollers, car seats, bottles, blankets, diapers..... along with the do's and don'ts for each one... NUTS!!!  People have been having babies and raising them for millions of years without all this shenanigans.... do I really need it?  Isn't there some SANE website or book out there that simply says "YOU NEED THIS, YOU DO NOT NEED THIS"?  Or, is there someone I could pay to get me all set up with the necessities and nothing else?  I just can't seem to wrap my head around it all.

I try to think of all the things I do/don't use on a daily basis and I can't imagine that an infant would use twice as much.  Really though, that's what these "people" make you think.  They actually make you think that your brand new infant who can barely do more than poop, eat, sleep and cry will somehow be able to tell the difference if I wrap him in a swaddle I do on my own, or a swaddle with Velcro?  Lord help me on this journey... isn't a hooded towel a hooded towel?  Oh, and could we please come up with ONE MORE type of bottle?  Really people... this is just out of control.

The biggest thing of all... I do not want to end up with tons of unnecessary "stuff".  I don't want our home billowing with "stuff".  Heck, I have a hard enough time keeping Josh and I somewhat organized with all of our "stuff".

Deep breath... deep breath.... in with the good... out with the overwhelming baby industry shenanigans.....