Monday, September 5, 2011

Happiness on a Saturday Morning

So.  The day has come.  Well, actually the day came last weekend, and this weekend it just reassured me that I wasn't having a dream, it was true.  The Pioneer Woman has her own cooking show!!!  WHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Last weekend it was so exciting and fantastic, but this weekend I was actually able to watch and pay attention rather than just gasp in awe at the fact that Ree is on TV!  YAY!  I love LOVE L.O.V.E The Pioneer Woman.  My friend Rae turned me on to her a while back.  In fact I've posted about my love for The Pioneer Woman before.  She's simply Fan-Tastic!  Oh, I just LOVE HER!

Anyhow, I was so thrilled to have her on again, and in my home with me on a Saturday morning.  Yes, I actually took photos of my TV... Don't judge!

 Hi Ree!  Oh, are you talking to me?  Yes, I'm here and I'm totally enjoying my lesson on Mac n' Cheese and Sliders.  YUM!

 Onions... Yum, but I can' only photograph them.  Josh HATES onions, so I must live in envy.

FYI - I made the mac n' cheese.  Deeeee-lish!  So delightful.  I plan on making lots of her stuff.  I actually have her cookbook and need to start putting it to use.  I tend to get stuck in ruts... and it's time to get out!  It's not like we're cowboys or anything, but I know my hubby does enjoy a good hearty meal.

But now that I'm thinking about it, maybe I'll make him wear some chaps every time I cook a meal from her cookbook?  Hmmmm.... now we're talkin'!!!
