Monday, November 29, 2010

Brutal Honesty

We all know children are the truest form of honesty.  Unfiltered, honest to goodness TRUTH.  Gotta love them for it! 

Here's my story.  It won't be long... because I can't bare to talk about it much.  My niece, Kira, shared this conversation with me last night after dinner, before I had dessert:

Kira: Auntie, are you pregnant?

Me: Nope

Kira: Well it sure does look like it.

The end.
I'm going to the gym now.  I did not have dessert.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Crouching Tiger hidden Pumpkin

Little people are so much fun.  You can tell them your secrets and they won't tell anyone.  You can wear hideous clothes around the house and they won't criticize.  You can eat sweet treats and totally blow your diet and they won't make you feel guilty. 

Best of all... you can dress them up and they don't care!  

Maybe they'll care one day, but that day isn't today!

Thanks to Sidekick and his tiger (not Tigger) buddy for supplying us with some sweet entertainment and lots of orange memories.